Broken Heart was endorsed as a component of Unicode 6.0 in 2010 and added to Emoji 1.0 in 2015. Broken Heart Symbol Copy and Paste:
Broken Heart emojiAn affection heart, broken in two. This emoticon addresses the throbbing one feels when they are feeling the loss of the individual they love. Of ???? Broken Heart Emoji Broken Heart — an image of a red/pink heart with the break in the center. Is it true that you are lovesick right now? Well… this is an ideal opportunity to utilize this emoticon. Use it when your or someone’s heart is broken by ❤️️ Love, by an individual or by some circumstance.
Broken Heart Symbol codes:
HTML Dec | 💔 |
HTML Hex | 💔 |
CSS | \01F494 |
C, C++ & Python | \U0001f494 |
Java, JavaScript & JSON | \uD83D\uDC94 |
Shortcode | :broken_heart: |
Unicode | U+1F494 |
???? Emoji Copy and Paste
What would you be able to send as an answer? Broken Heart Emoji just ????. We trust your heart has not been broken so often. So as should be obvious, the yellow heart mean fellowship. On Snapchat, this heart shows up next to the name of the individual you snap the most.
The ‘broken heart’ emoticon is an uncommon image that can be utilized on cell phones, tablets, and PCs. Your gadget needs to help this specific emoticon with the goal for you to have the option to utilize it, in any case the emoticon may not show up.
On numerous gadgets, you can utilize the shortcode :broken_heart: to add the broken heart emoticon to your messages.
Various gadgets may have various forms of the broken heart emoticon. The outline on this page shows how this emoticon is shown on Android, iOS, and different stages.
Duplicate this emoticon To utilize ‘broken heart’ via web-based media like Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, you can duplicate the emoticon character on the left. This is an exceptional character, not a picture, so it very well may be utilized anyplace.