Fraktur font generator or fraktur text generator ???????? ???????????? ???????????????? ???????? display a gathering of 18 exemplary Fraktur and German Script fonts. The gathering ranges from the first textual style utilized by Johannes Gutenberg to print his acclaimed book of scriptures, to the remainder of the genuine Fraktur fonts grew just before World War II.
Fraktur is being rediscovered by advanced book originators, calligraphers and typographers. The requirement for a computerized recovery of these fonts is squeezing. We are satisfied to declare that we have acted the hero!
- 2 Fraktur Fonts
- 3 Handwriting (Old German Script) Fonts
- More than 60 cut craftsmanship pictures
- Client Manual containing:
- Exceptional character graphs
- History of Fraktur
- History of every textual style
- Principles for typesetting Fraktur content
- Numerous Samples
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Fraktur 1
Fraktur 2
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