Gunner Pet Fortnite Gunner was an Epic pet that was discharged on August thirteenth, 2019. It was disputable in light of the fact that it looked precisely like the Bonesy pet (beside the cover and a minor adornment on the bandanna) from the Season 6 Battle Pass. Because of a portion of the antagonism encompassing the discharge, Epic has conceded that they “ought not have discharged the Gunner Pet” and have apologized for it. They will discount all buys of the restorative, and will give an extra 200 V-Bucks for any individual who got it.
We ought not have discharged the Gunner Pet and apologize for doing as such. Inside the following couple of days, all buys of Gunner will be discounted for everything of 1000 V-bucks just as an extra 200 V-bucks and the Pet will be expelled from the Locker.
Any individual who acquired Gunner and discounts it before this make-cooperative attitude rather get 200 V-bucks and a substitution Refund Token that can be put towards any qualified things that were obtained inside the previous 30 days.
Who’s a decent tail gunner? Is it you?
- Discharge Date: 08/13/2019
- Last Seen: 08/14/2019
- Days Ago: 1
- Irregularity: Epic
- Type: Pet
- Cost: 1,000 V-Bucks
- Accessibility: Shop