⊥ Perpendicular symbol
(⊥) Perpendicular symbol, symbol perpendicular, perpendicular sign, copy and paste: ⊥ Name: Up Tack; Unicode number: U+22A5; HTML-code: ⊥ ; CSS-code: \22A5; Entity: ⊥ ;… Continue a ler »⊥ Perpendicular symbol
(⊥) Perpendicular symbol, symbol perpendicular, perpendicular sign, copy and paste: ⊥ Name: Up Tack; Unicode number: U+22A5; HTML-code: ⊥ ; CSS-code: \22A5; Entity: ⊥ ;… Continue a ler »⊥ Perpendicular symbol
(⊕) plus in circle symbol, copy and paste: ⊕ Name: Circled Plus; Unicode number: U+2295; HTML-code: ⊕ ; CSS-code: \2295; Entity: ⊕ ; Block: Mathematical… Continue a ler »⊕ plus in circle symbol
(⊇) symbol Superset or equal, symbol Superset or equal , Superset or equal symbol ,, copy and paste: ⊇ Name: Superset of or Equal To;… Continue a ler »⊇ symbol Superset or equal
(⊆) proper subset symbol, copy and paste: ⊆ Name: Subset of or Equal To; Unicode number: U+2286; HTML-code: ⊆ ; CSS-code: \2286; Entity: ⊆ ;… Continue a ler »⊆ proper subset symbol
(⊄) not a subset symbol, copy and paste: ⊄ Name: Not a Subset Of; Unicode number: U+2284; HTML-code: ⊄ ; CSS-code: \2284; Entity: ⊄ ;… Continue a ler »⊄ not a subset symbol
(⊃) superset symbol, subset and superset symbol, copy and paste: ⊃ Name: Superset Of; Unicode number: U+2283; HTML-code: ⊃ ; CSS-code: \2283; Entity: ⊃ ;… Continue a ler »⊃ superset symbol
(⊂) subset symbol, symbol Subset of , Subset of symbol ,, copy and paste: ⊂ Name: Subset Of; Unicode number: U+2282; HTML-code: ⊂ ; CSS-code:… Continue a ler »⊂ subset symbol
(≥) greater or equal sign, greater than or equal to sign, greater or equal symbol, copy and paste: ≥ Name: Greater-Than or Equal To; Unicode… Continue a ler »≥ greater or equal sign
(≤) less than or equal to sign, less than or equal to symbol, copy and paste: ≤ Name: Less-Than or Equal To; Unicode number: U+2264;… Continue a ler »≤ less than or equal to sign
(≡) symbol equivalent, Equivalent symbol, copy and paste: ≡ Name: Identical To; Unicode number: U+2261; HTML-code: ≡ ; CSS-code: \2261; Entity: ≡ ; Block: Mathematical… Continue a ler »≡ symbol equivalent